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The Botany of Mangroves
The Botany of Mangroves
The Botany of Mangroves
recommended for beginner printed 1986
language english condition -
pages 413 out of print yes
author Philip Barry TOMLINSON first print yes
publisher Cambridge University Press
back The Botany of Mangroves - rückseite
contents The Botany of Mangroves - inhaltsverzeichnis The Botany of Mangroves - inhaltsverzeichnis The Botany of Mangroves - inhaltsverzeichnis 
from the book The Botany of Mangroves - aus dem Buch The Botany of Mangroves - aus dem Buch The Botany of Mangroves - aus dem Buch The Botany of Mangroves - aus dem Buch The Botany of Mangroves - aus dem Buch The Botany of Mangroves - aus dem Buch The Botany of Mangroves - aus dem Buch The Botany of Mangroves - aus dem Buch 
description The mangrove-lovers bible!

The most detailed book about mangrove species all over the world. Printed in the USA. All the characteristics of the various kinds of mangroves is looked at in great detail, their living space, biological structure and their animal world.

A reference book comparable to Brockhaus, but for mangroves ;-)

Unfortunately, there is only one edition, published in 1986, which is why the book is very rare and out-of-print. In 1994 the book was merely re-published as a paperback.
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