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Terminalia catappa - Sea Almond Tree
recommended for experts
good for fresh water
area winter garden, vivarium, terrarium, indoor plant
root type
no aerial roots no aerial roots
growth Ø 1 pair of leaves in 1 week (with good growing conditions)
specials leaves are very useful for aquarium
description The Indian Almond Tree (Terminalia catappa) also called Sea Almond or Tropical Almond belongs to the untrue mangroves and is very well known because of its leaves for the use in aquariums.

This is a plant that grew from a imported seed but germinated in Austria. As just about 20 percent of the seeds from the Indian Almond Tree germinate and the seeds need special conditions to germinate, it is pretty hard to get some of those plants, at least in Austria.

But once germinated it is pretty easy to grow them and you can keep it like a normal indoor plant.
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To this mangrove seed we recommend:
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2. Terminalia catappa leaves XL - 100 leaves Terminalia catappa leaves XL - 100 leaves
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3. Terminalia catappa leaves XL - 200 leaves Terminalia catappa leaves XL - 200 leaves
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