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Mangroves Ecology of Intertidal Forests
Mangroves Ecology of Intertidal Forests
Mangroves Ecology of Intertidal Forests
recommended for beginner printed 1995
language english condition 2nd hand
pages 92 out of print yes
author Brett Molony, Marcus Sheaves first print yes
publisher UNESCO
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contents Mangroves Ecology of Intertidal Forests - inhaltsverzeichnis Mangroves Ecology of Intertidal Forests - inhaltsverzeichnis 
description Mangroves and mangrove ecosystems are found on almost all islands in the Pacific. Even though they are common, very little information is known about them. This book is all about these mangroves. The book aims to summarise the important information known about mangroves. The information presented is very new. You may not find it in other mangrove books. However, there is still a lot of information that is not known. Maybe this book will inspire you to become researchers of mangrove ecosystems.

This book is about building a trophic web for mangrove ecosystems. You will develop your own trophic web through Chapters 2-10. Chapter 12 describes field exercises that could be completed if you visit the mangrove areas. However, this book is still helpful if you cannot go to the mangroves.
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